Business Research and Analysis for the Process Instrumentation & Automation Industry
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In Depth Market Research and Analysis
The Global Automation Research LLC Market Assessment is an in-depth assessment and analysis of a client-specific market segment(s) that goes beyond the scope of a Market Opportunity Briefing. A Market Assessment is closest to a traditional “custom market research project”, but Global Automation Research LLC brings unique industry and product experience, advanced research methods, broad industry and regional coverage and an unparalleled focus on the process instrumentation and automation (PI&A) market.
Market Assessments address a broad range of Client research and analysis requirements. However, most fall into four categories. See our Representative Proprietary Projects list below.
Product Market Assessments
A Product Market Assessment is an in-depth consideration of a PI&A product or a group related of PI&A products. Product Market Assessments can cover market size and forecast estimates by product, industry, and geographic region, but typically extend the scope to include topics such as segmentation by application, enclosure type, area classification, competing technologies, data communications options, and many others.
New Product/Technology Assessments
The development of a new PI&A product, whether a product line extension or incorporating a new technology, requires very specific, knowledgeable, research and analysis to address a number of important issues. These may include new product performance versus end user needs and/or competing technologies, effect on market success of key product attributes such different packaging, type of interface to product, etc., price premiums for the new product, etc. The project deliverable will usually include estimates of product adoption rate, sensitivity of the adoption rate to different price levels, performance levels, etc. and analysis of the important issues leading to actionable conclusions to guide new PI&A product development.
Industry Assessment
An industry assessment considers the specific nature of demand for a PI&A product(s) in one or more industry segments. Here, the focus is on industry characteristics including market structure (sales channels, competitor market position, etc.), the participation and influence of EPCs, System Integrators, and OEMs, industry specific product attributes, key trends in end user demand for PI&A products, and estimates of market size and forecasted growth by industry segment, by product, and by region.
Company or Technology Acquisition
Acquisition of an entire company, a product line, or a new technology involves unique challenges the acquiring company. Important considerations can include the satisfaction of key customers with the company, realistic assessment market size, forecasted growth and key trends claimed by the seller, and viability of claimed technology advantages to meet or exceed current competing products.
Representative Proprietary Projects
These are some of the over 250 proprietary projects we have completed over the last 15 years.
Product Market Assessments
Temperature Sensors and Transmitters
Pressure Transmitters
Survey of Level and Flow Meter Markets
Micro-BTU Analyzers
PGC-Based Sulfur Analyzers
Process Control Valves
Nuclear Level and Density Meters
Viscosity Process Meters
Inst. & Valve Services
Subsea Multiphase Flowmeters
Data Acquisition Products
IR/UV Flame Detection Sensors
Combustible and Toxic Gas Monitors
Control Valve Positioners
Thermal Mass Flow Meters
Machine Condition Monitoring
TOC Process Analyzers
Performance Monitoring Services
High Pressure Pumps
Process Cycle Time Requirements
Ultrasonic Flowmeters
Coriolis Flowmeters
Machine Vision Products
UST Leak Detection
Predictive Maintenance Tools
Belt Scales, Weigh-Feeders, Solids Flow
Pneumatics Instruments and Control
Smart Valve Positioners
Magneto-strictive Level Gauges
Pressure Calibrator Units
Process Photometers
Wet Chemical Analyzers
Vortex Flowmeters
Insertion Magnetic Flowmeters
Magnetic Flowmeters
Equipment Vibration Monitoring
FIA and Segmented Flow Analysis
Point IR Combustible Gas Detectors
Color Photometers
NIR Spectrometers
pH and Conductivity Inst./Sensors
Trace Oxygen Instruments
Nuclear Density/Level Instruments
Magnetic Flow Meters
Coriolis Flow Meters
Ultrasonic Flow Meters
Primary Flow Elements
Microwave Level
Tank Gauging
Pressure Gauges and Switches
Temperature Gauges and switches
RTD and T/C Sensors
Metering Pumps
Remote I/O
New Product/Technology
A New Wireless Field Device
Novel Pressure Sensor
CCTV Flame Sensors
NMR Process Analyzers
Raman Process Analyzers
New Data Collection Device
Low Flow Rate Meter
TDL Photometer
A Branded Process Gas Chromatograph
Industry Assessment
Product Opportunities in Industrial Gas
Water & Wastewater Flow Meters
Survey of Plant Managers
Survey of Mfg. Reps.
Channel Logistics Trends
Coriolis Flowmeter End User Preferences
OEM Requirements or Recorders
Field Sensors for Bacterial Contamination
Pressure Products in O&G Industry
Pressure Products in W&WW Industry
Company or Technology Acquisition
Mobile NIR Spectrometer
Semiconductor Wafer Sensor
Tank Gauging Temperature Sensors
Nuclear Rated Temperature Sensors
Manual Laser Profiling
Portable Gas Monitors
Microwave Moisture Analyzer
Unique Portable EC Array Monitor
Tunable Diode Analyzers
Market Potential For An HCI Analyzer
Process FTIR Spectrometers